How to exercise dog

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How to Exercise Dog

Exercise with dog

Exercising your dog is a big part of dog ownership. Dogs need daily exercise to keep physically and mentally fit. Make sure you exercise with dog to prevent him from developing destructive behavior like digging and chewing. There is an added bonus when you exercise with dog that you receive health benefits as well. Dog owners that exercise with dog daily have stronger cardiovascular system, better sleep, lower blood pressure, weight loss, enhanced mental alertness and healthier lifestyle.

As a responsible dog owner, you need to understand how much exercise your dog needs and provide that for him. Certain breeds are especially active and need intensive exercises every day. For example, Border Collies are bred to herd sheep and so they have a lot of physical stamina and endurance. In the past, they were required to herd all day running and sprinting across miles of farmland. The modern Border Collies have the same stamina and endurance as their ancestors but no opportunity for them to release this energy. Without an outlet for their energy, they become frustrated and develop behavior problems like being hyper around the house, digging up soil and chewing on shoes. The largest percentage of dogs is given up because owners find them too hyper or too difficult to handle. But at the end of the day, it is because they were inadequately exercised that led to these problems.

How to exercise dog depends on the breed and age. Larger dogs in general need more exercise and you should spend at least 40minutues for a moderate to intensive exercise with dog each dog. Small dogs need a little less but will still need 30minute of walking every day. Remember this is only a general rule of thumb, there are small dogs like the Border Collies and Terriers that require as much exercise if not more than the bigger dogs. As for age, old dogs are like old men, they are prone to injury and have crackly joints. Take caution when you exercise with dog in senior years. Avoid jogging for long distances and do not do any intensive exercises.

how to exercise dog

When you exercise with dog, you should take precaution methods to protect your dog and yourself. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of the work out and remember to warm up before you exercise with dog. Don't' assume your dog can jog for hours or hike for miles with you. Dogs, like most predators, have muscles that are developed for short bursts of sprinting (think cheetah) whereas humans have muscles that enable them to jog for long distances. Additional, many purebreds are prone to hip dysplasia and joint problems so long jogs and hikes are not suitable for them. Always put safety first when you exercise with dog and never try to push your dog to do more than he can.

How to exercise dog - Before the workout

Complete your dog's second sets of vaccination shots before taking him out. Going out before that is very dangerous as your dog will be vulnerable to lethal diseases like parvovirus. To be safe, check with your vet when is the best time to start exercise with dog.

Before you exercise with dog, teach him how to heel (walk beside you) and the other basic commands (sit, stay, come) so you can communicate what you want your dog to do. Teaching your dog how to heel also prevents your dog from darting ahead when he sees other animals.

Socialize your dog so he is accustomed to other humans, dogs and different noises. This will prevent aggressive behavior when you run into other dogs. Start socializing as early as possible by introduce a variety of people, dogs and places to your puppy. Learn how to socialize your dog here.

How to exercise dog - Safety tips

Warm up yourself and your dog before exercising. Start by a steady walk to get the muscles warmed up before launching to full speed jog. Also devote time to cool off after a rigorous exercise with dog to prevent dizziness and fainting.

Always use a leash when exercise with dog. This is for the safety of your dog and others. No matter how well trained he is, there is always a chance he may dart after small animals or other dogs.

Always keep an eye on your dog and make sure he is not being over-exercised. Having a natural desire to please you, your dog will follow you regardless of how tired he is. Watch out for signs of dehydration or overexertion. If your dog stops frequently, it may be a sign he's being pushed beyond his limit. Slow down, take a break and have some water before returning home.

Stay hydrated. Remember to bring water for the dog and yourself when you go for long jogs/hikes. In fact, you guys can share from the same water bottle, but just remember to bring a small bowl or similar contraception for your dog to lick up water.

Be alert and look out for dangers when you exercise with dog. Icy patches, broken glasses, rodent poison are common dangers that can hurt your dog. Remember your dog doesn't wear shoes, so a piece of broken glass can cut deeply into his paw.

Carry a stock around when you exercise with dog. Use it when necessary to protect against you and your dog against stray dogs and wild animals. Common animals that attack dogs include coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, porcupines, ground hogs, skunks and rats. They may not seem like dangerous animals, but wild animals are full of bacteria and a bite and quickly lead to serious infections.

How to exercise dog - The energy efficient way

After from running, walking or biking with your dog, there are many other ways to exercise your dog. Playing fetch with your dog is a great way to provide a hard workout for your dog but requires little effort from you. All you have to do is teach your dog to fetch and you can toss the ball over and over again until your dog tires out.