How to Care for a Dog: The Complete Guide

How to Care for a Dog: The Complete Guide


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Dog Tool

With so many dog products out there it is easy to get confused what their functions are. I have tried to put all neccessary dog products in the table below with an explanation of what each does and a photo so you know how it looks. Use the search bar below to find the dog products you are looking for.





Bitter Spray

Applied on furniture to stop dogs from biting or chewing them.

 bitter spray

Bristle Brush

A brush with dense synthetic bristles.  Good for distributing natural oil on all coat types.  Use stiffer bristles for coarser hair.



For combing areas you cannot with brushes.  Good for untangling hair before they turn into mats.

 dog comb

Curry Brush

A rubber brush used for massaging the skin and removing dead hair from short-haired breeds.

 curry brush


Grooming tool with a razor blade that is used to break through tough mats.


Dematting Spray

Used to lubricate and soften mats to make it easier to untangle

 dematting spray


Groom tool designed specifically to remove loose hair from the under coat and hasten shedding.


Dog bed

Make sure it is big enough for your dog when fully grown.  Find one with removable cover to make cleaning easier.

 dog bed

Dog bowl

For putting food or water in.  Find one that is big enough for your dog’s eating portion

 dog bowl

Dog bowl (raised / elevated)

Makes swallowing easier; eases strain on your dog’s neck and back.  Not recommended for deep-chested breeds susceptible to bloat.

 raised dog bowl

Dog carrier

Box or cage used to transport your dog around.  Buy a strong plastic one that is durable enough to last many years.

 dog carrier

Dog clean up tools

A range of poo scoopers are available to help you clean up after your dog

 poop scoop

Dog clothes

Recommended for short-haired breeds against cold weathers.  Otherwise mainly an accessory or fashion statement.

 dog clothes

Dog collar

Put around a dog’s neck for identification and control. 

 dog collar

Dog crate

Used in potty training.  Also serves as your dog’s shelter and can be used to carry your dog around.  It should be big enough for your dog to stand and turn around in but not any bigger than that.  You can buy one with dividers that allow you to adjust interior space.

 dog crate

Dog food

Many types of dog food are available.  Canned dog food, dry dog food

 dog food

Dog gates

Use It to block off the stairs or parts of the house you don’t want your dog to go to


Dog Harness

An alternative to collars that surrounds the torso instead of just the neck.  Some people find it more humane to use a harness instead of collar.  Assistance dogs always wear harness with a special grip.

 dog harness

Dog leash

Clipped to a collar or harness to control a dog.  Many places legally require dogs to be on leash in public areas.  Normal leads are 4-6 feet while extended leashes go up to 30 feet

 dog leash

Dog toys

There are many kinds of dog toys with a variety of purposes.  While most are used to keep a dog happy and mentally stimulated.  Some are specially designed with a double function to clean your dog’s teeth as he plays with them. 

 dog toy

Flea & Tick control

Helps prevent fleas and ticks from infesting your dog

 flea medicine

Nail clipper

Two main types of nail clippers: guillotine clipper and standard scissors nail clipper. Both used to trim a dog’s nails

 nail clipper

Hair Roller

Remove dog hair from carpet, rugs and your clothes

 lint roller

Pin Brush

Longer bristles than the slicker brush with bubble tip available.  Good for larger dogs with heavy & thicker coat.

 wire pin brush


Also known as grooming rake or undercoat rake.  Used to remove mats and tangles in the coat and for removing loose hair in the undercoat.  Essential grooming tool for double-coated dog breeds. 

 dog rate

Slicker Brush

A brush with thin metal bristles mounted on rubber mat (also called a wire brush).  For pulling out dead hair and distributing natural oil over the coat.

 slicker brush


Different from human toothbrushes.  Buy one with soft bristles that is appropriate for your dog size.  Slip-on-finger toothbrushes are also available.

 dog toothbrush


Never use human toothpaste on dogs.  Dog toothpaste comes in different flavors and can be ingested.

 dog toothpaste

Urine finder

Flash light with special bulb to help you find urine spots so you can neutralize the odor to stop the more accidents.

 urine finder

Urine odor remover

Useful during housetraining to remove urine odor.  By neutralizing the odor, you prevent your dog from urinating at the same spot again.

 urine off

Urine pads

An absorbent pad for dogs to urinate on.  Often treated with an attractant so dogs know to pee on them.

 urine pad

Worm medicine

Used against dog worms.  Different active ingredients are effective against different worm types.  Make sure you buy worming medicine against heartworms as well as intestine worms.  Take a stool sample to the vet if you suspect your dog to have worms.

 deworm med